Average Wars


April 29, 2009

Do you sometimes feel as though you are fighting your way through life and losing the battle? There are times in life when day to day living is just day to day combat fighting. There is the battle for good health, for a strong family, for healthy children, for a strong career – or just a job. The battles really are endless. I really like the Message version of James 1:2-4;

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. [3] You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. [4] So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way."

Even now as I read this I think, “a sheer gift, RIGHT!!!” When I am in the middle of a battle, it is way too easy for me to do all that I can to get out of it. Staying in the battle so my “true colors” will come through is not typically the plan I have. That is why all battles are really spiritual battles - battles of faith. As Pastor Rusty will tell you in his current sermon series, Average Wars, we all struggle with doubt, sin, and temptation. Yet few of us are superstars. Most of us are average . . . average people facing extraordinary challenges. So I got to ask, how does this average girl win? How does the average anyone win?

Maybe I will pay a bit more attention to those sermons of yours PR…..T

Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage


April 20, 2009

In preparing to teach chapter 5 of Ephesians I came across the article "24 Ways to Strengthen your Marriage" by the Crosswalk.com staff. I normally do not like books or articles such as this however since I was in the research part of my preparation I decided to read it anyway. From my perspective, marriage is very hard and requires a lot of work and commitment. That being said, I have been rewarded with sweet loving satisfaction and growth with the one I love.

Being the best partner possible is not always easy. At times it's not fair. At times it hurts; it can be lonely. It involves choosing to love your partner whether he or she deserves it or not. It involves continuing the initial vows you made when you began your marriage. While the article list 24 ways, here are a few that struck me.

  • Start each day with a kiss. Decide to begin the day with love.

  • Wear your wedding ring at all times. Let it be a visual reminder of your commitment.

  • Accept differences. Try to remember that once you thought your spouse's idiosyncrasies were cute. Your chances of changing them are slim, so decide to live with them.

  • Be polite. Are you more polite to co-workers or store clerks than you are to the one you love? Practice good manners at home.

  • Be gentle. Harsh words and actions have no place in your home. Choose to be kind to those you love and who love you.

  • Smile often. Put on a happy face and let it determine your disposition. Remember how meaningful the glances were which you once gave each other.

  • Touch. A pat on the back or a soft caress of the cheek can show love and connection. Hold hands while watching TV.

  • Talk about dreams. Get your conversation beyond coordinating schedules and talking about the kids. Take time to talk about ideas and dreams.

  • Laugh together. Find something daily to share a laugh about. Life is complete with laughter.

  • Do what your spouse wants before being asked. Anticipate your spouse's needs and jump right in to help. Put his or her needs before your own comfort.

  • Listen. You don't have to solve problems, just be an active listener. Turn off the TV, put down the newspaper, and give your spouse your full attention.

  • Encourage. The best way to give support is to encourage your spouse to do his or her best, to feel confident, or accomplish great things.

  • Apologize. Almost as good as I love you is I'm sorry, forgive me. Marriage isn't a game where you keep score. It's not important who's right.

  • Ask, What can I do to make you happier? You may be surprised at how simple it is to please your spouse.

  • Pray for your spouse daily. Don't let a day go by without praying for your marriage, your spouse, and your family.

  • Watch sunsets together. Find the beauty in life and share it.

Seems simple enough, I wonder why we don't do some of these things?


Fasting Results


April 15, 2009

Well, I fasted through Good Friday with Johnny. One of the main reasons I fasted was to prepare for Easter - get more in touch with the sacrifice Jesus made for me. At the end of my fast (which I stopped on Friday instead of Tuesday the 14th) I was somewhat disappointed. I am not sure at what or why but a vague sense of disappointment had settled on me. I even talked with Johnny about my fast being a “failure”.

But I have to tell you, God is mysterious in all His ways and didn’t look at my efforts as failure. Then Sunday came – He Arose! Ahh, Sunday was sweet indeed. Sunday worship was adoring and light-filled. I was giddy at being in the presence of my Lord. I enjoyed Him! I always enjoy worship but this was different. My soul was tasting the wine of heaven.

You see, my expectation of fasting was the experience would happen during the fasting. In this case – not true. Fasting does bring about one-on–one with God but during this time in my life it happened during worship – when I tuned my heart toward Him after a week of preparing for Him.


Fasting for Easter


April 6, 2009

I struggle with fasting, even though I greatly believe in its power to bring me closer to the Lord. Denying myself of food is difficult for me – to do so will be a sacrifice, a test to see how dependent on God I really am. But nevertheless, both Johnny and I have decided to fast as a couple to prepare our hearts for Easter. In some small way we will try to get in touch with the sacrifice Jesus made for us. After all, Jesus gave up everything –even his life-for us. Johnny and I will give up dinner for a week. To be specific, after we eat breakfast and lunch we will not eat again till breakfast the next day – only juice and water. He will fast through Good Friday and I will go through 4/14.

When I am fasting food, it is an opportunity for me to lay down an appetite-an appetite for something core to my survival –food. In doing this, it brings me face to face with the hunger at the core of my being – my Lord - which I also need for my survival. Fasting makes me see how often I try to use things of this world to satisfy my need for something not of this world – a Savior.

During my fast, every time I am hungry, I need to feast on Jesus. I need to find my nourishment on the Word of God. I need to get back in touch with what truly nourishes the soul – the Bread of Life and drink the Living Water. Stay tuned……