Commander of Victories


September 4, 2009

We live in a evil world. As Christians we know that. But often we are surprised when evil becomes obvious in our lives. We see it in other peoples lives. We see it on the news and newspapers. We often don't see it in our lives. That is why I appreciate the little book - 31 Days of Power by Ruth Myers.

She reminds me of several things - 1. Our whole life as Christians is part of the battle between God and satan. 2. Our primary goal of our warfare is not to defeat satan but to further God's purposes in this world. It is in pursuing this goal, we must resist satan and bring the power of Christ against him. satan's goal is to frustrate our Father's purpose so when we have victories in furthering God's kingdom we have frustrated satan.

In any kind of spiritual battle, our main task is to PRAY and to SHARE the good news. We often get so focused on satan and his evil strategies we forget our on goals and strategies.

The truth is, we serve the Commander of ALL Victories. We serve the God of Hope. Our enemy is already defeated. I don't know the battles you are fighting today. Maybe it is finances, a job loss, health, addictions, marriage, or children. But whatever it is - brothers and sisters, do not throw the towel in YET! Put your armor on, take you stand in the hope of the Lord!...