Listening through Scripture


August 20, 2009

How do you listen to God? When is the last time you did listen to Him? What did he say to you? Did he tell you to do something or just have a conversation with him?

If the answer to these questions don't come easy then you may have a listening problem. In prayer, an emphasis is often placed on praise, confession, thanksgiving and asking. All of these parts are important but honestly they are all about our part of the relationship. What about God's part of the relationship? Us listening to God is almost always neglected or ignored.

One easy way to listen to God is through Scripture. When you read scripture ask yourself "What is God saying to me?" Personalize the scripture by inserting your name. Probe deeper in your heart to see what the Lord is pointing out.

To get some practice help, try the book: Simply Listening by Patsy Lewis. I have found it a great help to get me more focused on listening to him instead of me...T

I'm back


August 16, 2009

Well, I am back! I took the summer off and it was really wonderful. I got some much needed R & R. I spent some really great time with the Lord and we reconnected in some areas I really needed. I had some great "scrappin" (scrapbooking) times and got a lot of pages and cards made.

After a great rest, I am going fast and strong getting ready for the September Discipleship Month kick off. We are kicking off all Lifegroups, Women's & Men's ministries but we have a special emphasis on Sermon Based groups. After piloting them last year with awesome results we are really jumping in this year. What is a sermon based group? Leave a comment and I will tell you.....T